Week 27: Countway Library’s Diversity Plan

Equity, diversity and inclusion are core to The Countway Library Diversity Plan. Diversity is the acceptance of a variety of traits including but not limited to age, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, language, etc. We recognize and value the uniqueness of each individual.

Statement of Needs: The American Library Association and The Medical Library Association workforce data show that the field of librarianship is primarily white and female. Countway Library staff reflect this data. Currently, Countway has no librarians of color in management positions and few staff of color.

The Countway Library diversity plan focuses on the following initiatives reflected within its strategic plan and pillars of strength; these pillars of strength are outlined in the Countway Library of Medicine Pillar Units chart below.

Please see the Countway Library of Medicine Pillar Units document linked above for the full text of this chart.

  1. Classes & Events: Fostering diversity awareness through hosting a variety of events, programs, book talks, and educational sessions.
  2. Resources & Access: Enhancing the diversification of its holdings and collections. Analyzing existing collections, highlighting those which emphasize health disparities and/or the publications by women and people of color (POC). Addressing gaps and increase purchasing of and access to collections and e-resources focused on diversity, health disparities, as well as works written by women and POC.
  3. Resources & Access: Create an array of diverse resources and make these available to users. Our Anti-racism collection and Women in Medicine Collection are some examples. Provide physical access and highlight on Countway website and through our social media channels.
  4. Resources & Access: Make hard to find collections easier to find through enhanced indexing and search accessibility. The Center for the History of Medicine has numerous collections from diverse populations, entitled Hidden Voices. There are efforts underway to make these collections more discoverable through our online catalog, digitization and website efforts.
  5. Information & Resource Specialists: Increase the recruitment, hiring and retention efforts for filling vacant positions at Countway with more diverse candidates. Increase the applicant pool by broadening the advertising process to graduates from library schools who self-identify as POC. In addition, establish more linkages with library schools to find POC, offer Countway internships and possibly hire some of these individuals post-graduation—increase the pipeline. Make a concerted effort to hire POC for management positions available in the future. Work with the Medical Library Association’s African American Medical Librarians Alliance Caucus to help identify potential managerial candidates.
  6. Research & Education: Help educate the Longwood area community regarding diversity efforts. These include participating in the various school’s diversity task forces, working with PME on the new LGBTQ curriculum, the Anti-Racism curriculum and Health Equity Education Working Group.
  7. Community & Space: With the upcoming opening of the newly renovated Countway Library, marketing and promoting the new library spaces as a place for diversity, inclusion and belonging and as a collaborative space is vital. Welcoming our surrounding community into the building and working with Boston and the Mission Hill neighborhood leaders on hosting community events such as but not limited to Black Lives Matter, health disparities, health literacy, and more.

As illustrated, at least one diversity goal is represented in each of Countway’s pillars of strength. These diversity goals do not stand-alone but are woven throughout the library operations and within its wholistic planning efforts.

On an annual basis, Countway Library managers will review these goals and determine measurable objectives them. Once these objectives are created, the management team will review and track progress on meeting these goals and accompanying objectives. Countway mangers will be required to discuss how they are working with their teams to address these diversity goals in their performance assessment process with their teams.
