Looking Glass N-gram Viewer

Looking Glass is an N-gram viewer for the full text of the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine.

The N-gram viewer enables users to enter words or phrases and see how frequently they show up in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine from 1810 to 2020. You can see if words increase or decrease in popularity and track changes in medical terminology as new medical concepts and ideas arise and supplant older ones.

Get started with searching Looking Glass by entering a medical term you are interested in and clicking on the "submit" button.

After you hit "submit," you will get a screen with results similar to the below screen shot of the N-gram viewer. Having trouble? Contact Moustafa Abdalla.

Screen shot of the Looking Glass N-gram Viewer showing that usage of the word moral has decreased in articles from a high in the 1830s. It also shows that, as of today, the following terms are used in order of decreasing popularity: consent (most commonly used), ethical, moral, professionalism, and autonomy (least common).