Week 163: The Semester Has Begun!

Renovation Update

The L1 renovation is complete. The new classrooms became available for classes this week, and the students and faculty loved them! Below are photos from GH 714 Research, Project Management and MMH 709 Dramatic Writing as a Tool for Social Change (provided and distributed with permission from the instructor).

faculty and students in new L1 classrooms

L1 Classrooms Tap Access

We met with individuals from Security and determined a best course of action going forward regarding tap access to the new L1 classrooms. When classes are not in session, the classrooms will be automatically locked. When someone requests access to the Countway LL1 classrooms, Security will receive the name of the faculty member who will be teaching that course. Security will put access on each faculty members ID who will be teaching in those rooms. We are in the process of having Ellen from Room Scheduling inquire the name(s) of the faculty members when requests come in. We know that often times it is the admins who are making the requests, so if easier, an admin/ coordinator can provide Security with a list of faculty members up front so they can add the access all at once. The goal is to have the classrooms available for faculty to tap in 30 minutes before and after the class is in session. The rooms will stay unlocked throughout the duration of the class so students can use the restroom or leave and come back as accordingly. We have doorstoppers for the rooms, but Security has asked us to wait until this new system is in place to begin using them. If you see any issues arise, please contact Security or library staff to provide tap access for teaching faculty. Let Luciana know if you have any questions.

L1 Group Study Rooms Now Online

Thanks to Scott L., Ashley, and Yasmina, the new L1 small group study rooms are now online and reservable for students. Students have already been using the rooms and all is working well in those spaces.

Resource Fair

The Countway Resource Fair is an annual event that promotes emerging tech and helpful library services for Harvard Longwood faculty, staff, students, and postdocs. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about some of the amazing tools that Countway Library has to offer and meet vendors from our wide range of resources, all in a fun and festive atmosphere! Mark your calendars now for the 2023 Countway Resource Fair on Thursday, September 14th from 11am-4pm, located in the newly renovated L1 & 1st Floor of Countway Library. If you'd like help with any printed materials (postcards, bookmarks, etc.), let Yasmina. Lastly, if you're willing to help out for an hour or two that day beyond your own table, either with setup/cleanup or during the event, Meredith and Yasmina would appreciate it. Here's the link again to sign up if you're available: 2023 Staff Help. The turnstiles will be open for the day so folks can come and go as they please—we are looking forward to a fun day!

Save The Date, All Staff Invited—September 27th, Countway Renovation Celebration

Join Countway Library in celebrating its newly renovated spaces on September 27, 2023 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Countway Library.

Staff Award

We are proud to announce that our very own Meredith Solomon, MLS has been selected as one of the recipients of DICP’s annual Equity, Social Justice and Advocacy Award! Learn more about the Equity Social Justice and Advocacy Award here.


Have a nice weekend!
